F2F Volunteer Duo Bolster Youth Entrepreneurship in Nicaragua
and wife, Barry Evans and Louisa Rogers, traveled to Nicaragua as F2F volunteers to conduct interactive workshops for Junior Achievement Nicaragua (JA) to help them improve their educational processes and
teaching methodologies. JA is a non-profit educational organization that
promotes economic education from an early age and empowers young leaders to be
proactive in their own development, both personally and professionally. It
implements business education programs aimed at children and adolescents, young
women, and female heads of household.
Louisa Rogers conducted interactive workshops on entrepreneurship, leadership, life skills, career planning, and teamwork. The JA youth also developed individual projects and presented in front of the group and on social media. As an experienced world as a training consultant, Louisa was able to effectively share her teaching methods in entrepreneurship, leadership, management, and conflict resolution to participants. Through her training, JA youth entrepreneurs gained substantial training in leadership and entrepreneurship that should help them to develop their projects and become effective leaders in their communities.
Meanwhile, Barry Evans worked with the Junior Achievement facilitators to strengthen their capacity to train youth entrepreneurs, particularly on how to organize, work collaboratively, communicate effectively, lead, and ultimately run small businesses. Evans led a variety of lectures and trainings on organizational and enterprise leadership development aimed at youth. The topics were related to organizational governance, formation of by-laws, generating business plans for micro-enterprises, business development strategies, conflict resolution, and negotiation skills. Barry has an extensive knowledge of teaching as well as practical professional experience in developing marketing strategies through his work in photography, marketing, and website design. His knowledge has now equipped JA facilitators to replicate the trainings with youth entrepreneurs throughout the region.
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