Benchmarking and Strategic Planning for Banana Producers in the Dominican Republic

Seeing you reminds me we are not alone.” That is what one Dominican Republic producer told Dr. Donald Schwartz when he volunteered with Farmer-to-Farmer (F2F) in June 2019. 

For two weeks in the Dominican Republic, Schwartz worked with the organization, Bananos Ecológicos de la Línea Noroeste (BANELINO), meaning “Ecological Bananas for the Northwest Line” in English. BANELINO seeks “to improve the living conditions of small producers, workers, their families, and the community” by providing technical assistance services to associates, marketing, and certifications. BANELINO now has 336 producers in its membership. 

Dr. Schwartz assessed the impact of the last decade of BANELINO’s efforts and conducted a benchmark/gap analysis of the organization’s 2014-2019 strategic plan. He also assisted BANELINO in developing necessary tools and processes to ensure the economic, social, and environmental sustainability of the organization. He did this by hosting a workshop, giving an in-depth discussion about BANELINO's performance and strategic plan, and creating a working group on these matters. Schwartz then trained key staff and board members in these tools and processes. 

Dr. Schwartz most recently worked as a clinical associate professor of finance at Loyola University in Chicago and holds a Ph.D. in agricultural economics from Purdue University. At the end of his assignment, he recommended that BANELINO complete a new five-year strategic plan that is condensed and that better prioritizes their objective goals. He advised that they complete the plan by the first quarter of 2020 and that the Dominican government reviews it. Schwartz committed to helping the BANELINO team in the future as they create and refine their benchmarks. 

During his time in the Dominican Republic, three things struck Schwartz. First, producers readily acknowledged how much BANELINO improves their livelihoods. Second, producers and BANELINO staff greatly appreciated the help that F2F has given them. Third, there is a wonderful idea that if BANELINO does its job well and the producers do theirs, life will be better for everyone.


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