A Holistic Approach to Marketing Horticultural Products
Meeting with local greenhouse technicians |
The Farmer to Farmer program in the Dominican Republic works on strengthening the marketing strategies used by local producers to enhance their accessability to domestic and export markets for greenhouse vegetables. Mr. Brown wrote in his trip report, It is very clear that the greenhouse vegetable producers have a basic understanding about production. The implementation of understanding the basics of vegetable production has thrust them into the first stages of domestic and international marketing. There is no turning back - the only direction is forward with a holistic approach to marketing.
Discussing greenhouse operations with local produer |
Mr. Brown mentioned that all of the stakeholders with whom he met agreed that their highest priority is to produce the best quality tomato, pepper and cucumber. Their second priority is to sell the majority of their crops in the export/international markets. And their third priority is to receive the highest price possible per pound of product. Mr. Brown's trainings and presentations focused on addressing concerns regarding: methods of greenhouse temperature control; how to prevent loss of product due to exteme temperature fluctuations; strategies for marketing in domestic and international markets; and the advantages of greenhouse vegetable growers associations.
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