Partners of the Americas' Chapter News

Analyzing plant health - Guyana shadehouse project
A few of the local Partners of the Americas Chapters who collaborate with the Farmer to Farmer Program have some recent news-worthy stories.

The Guyana Chapter of Partners of the Americas, leaders of the local shadehouse project, have recently created a Chapter Facebook page to share their news with you! The page will feature their activities, especially those related to Youth Programs and Farmer to Farmer. To check out and follow their page, click here, sign into Facebook, and "thumbs up" or "like" their page.

The Haiti Chapter of Partners of the Americas is celebrating the accomplishments of chapter member and past president Guy Etienne, who was recently named one of 20 finalists in Haiti's Digicel 2011 Entrepreneur of the Year contest. Guy heads the competition's education category due to his innovations as Director of the College Catts Pressoir in Port au Prince. Guy was also instrumental in facilitating trauma counseling and related trainings for teachers shortly after the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, when the Farmer to Farmer Program received special permission from USAID to send a team of three post-trauma specialists to Haiti. Congratulations and best of luck to Guy! To read more, click here (article in French).

At the College Catts Pressoir (2010): teacher training in recognizing the signs of post-disaster trauma


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