Jamaica: From the Archives, and Toward the Future

Partners of the Americas' Farmer to Farmer volunteers have been working together with Jamaican producers for more than five years in areas such as vegetable farming, pig farming, and organic production. While the Program peaked in 2007 and 2008, Partners' FTF volunteers continue to maintain professional relationships with their counterparts in Jamaica and travel to provide ongoing assistance. This continued partnership has yielded positive results over the years, such as the Santoy Cooperative becoming a national leader in tropical protected agriculture structures. An interdisciplinary team composed of a plant pathologist, irrigation specialist, and soil scientist will return to Jamaica next month to continue collaboration with partners such as the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). Below are some photos "from the archives".
Field demonstration, 2005
Organic production training, 2006
Students help with greenhouse construction, 2008


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