FTF Volunteer Shares Techniques for Food Preservation and Processing

In the Dominican Republic, Farmer to Farmer volunteer, Ralph Bucca, provided workshops and hands-on trainings on the preservation and processing of fruits and vegetables. At the University ISA, the volunteer gave presentations on the use of solar food dryers and, with much help from the participants, they all constructed a solar dryer. Amongst the participants in the workshops were 30 university students, the Director of the Department of Food Science and Technology, and the Director of Appropriate Technology for Peace Corps/Dominican Republic.

The workshop participants at Univeristy ISA show off their newly constructed solar food dryer.

The university students prepare bananas, peppers, tomatoes and eggplant to test out the new solar dryer.
In addition to trainings at universities, the volunteer visited a mango dehydration business. The volunteer found that the current solar dryer design at their facility is allowing for too much humidity to enter and therefore, not allowing the mango to properly dry. Recommendations to the construction and design were provided.  Solar drying is an inexpensive and feasible way to preserve food and add value to the producers current fruit and vegetables crops.


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